Thermal limits of plastics: What should you know about them when selecting materials for your product?

Thermal limits of plastics: What should you know about them when selecting materials for your product?

Polymers and plastics enable the way of living we have nowadays. They have many advantages, but they are also much more complicated materials than metals and ceramics. Still, metals and ceramics are often replaced with plastic as they tend to be lighter and cheaper. You can check the general properties of polymers from our earlier infographic.

The number of commercial plastics available in the market and the amount of variation in their thermal properties is naturally huge, but there are a couple of basic terms related to thermal limits of polymers you should remember and understand while selecting a material for your product. These include thermoset, thermoplastic, crystalline and amorphous structures, and glass transition (Tg) and melting (Tm) temperatures.

Polymers are either thermoplastics or thermosets

Thermoplastics have long polymer chains, bonded together by weak secondary bonds. These materials can be re-melted and re-solidified several times which make them useful for recyclable products such as plastic bottles. In industrial products they are often used for example in various product casings due to their easy malleability.

Thermosets form a cross-linked structure after curing. Because of this three-dimensional network structure, the material remains permanently solid and cannot be re-melted. Thermosets are practical materials for example for glues and coatings and in applications in which heat-resistance is important.


As a rule of thumb, thermosets have better chemical resistance, dimensional stability, strength and lower coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) compared to thermoplastics.

For thermoplastics it is also important to know whether they have crystalline or amorphous structure, since it can significantly affect their properties. In practise, full crystallinity is impossible to achieve, and crystalline thermoplastics are often called semi-crystalline polymers.

Thermosets are amorphous. They cannot crystallize because of their cross-linked structure.

What has all this to do with thermal limits of plastics?

Polymers have various thermal parameters, of which glass transition temperature (Tg) and melting temperature (Tm) are the most important ones to understand when considering the thermal use limits of plastics. Melting temperature is easy to understand, but glass transition is somewhat more complex.

At Tg the amorphous parts of polymer will change from a rigid to rubbery form. In other words, when amorphous polymers are heated up to their Tg, they will soften or melt.

Whether the critical thermal limit is Tg or Tm depends on the plastic

  • Is polymer thermoset or thermoplastic?
  • Is it amorphous or semi-crystalline?
  • What is the degree of crystallinity?


For thermosets, Tg is generally considered to be the upper use temperature limit. Above Tg, mechanical properties often weaken, and the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) rapidly increases. However, cross-linked structure supports the material, and therefore thermosets can sometimes be used at temperatures above their Tg. Short exposures to temperatures above Tg do not necessarily harm thermoset materials but may be important for their usability.


For amorphous thermoplastics, Tg is the upper temperature limit. For these materials the loss of mechanical properties at elevated temperatures is dramatic due to their internal structure.

For semi-crystalline thermoplastics, there are two thermal limits. At Tg their amorphous parts will soften. If the plastic has high level of crystallinity, amorphous parts soften, but the crystalline part holds the plastic piece together. When the material is heated further, the crystalline regions will melt at Tm and the polymer melts completely.

Softening point at relatively low temperature can also be beneficial as it enables processing and modification of plastic parts at fairly low temperatures.

It is also good to remember that both Tg and Tm are not single temperatures, but temperature ranges. However, often a single temperature instead of temperature range is given in the data sheets. This temperature is typically the middle point of the range, and therefore the softening may already start several degrees lower than stated in data sheet.

So, it is important to know what kind of polymer you are dealing with when deciding at how high temperature it can be exposed to. It is also good to notice that other factors may affect the thermal limits of plastics. One example is humidity which may markedly decrease glass transition temperature value.

Kesätyöntekijän mietteitä

Kesätyöntekijän mietteitä

Nyt kun arki on lomien jälkeen koittanut ja ulkona on syytä kiskoa aamuisin lapaset käteensä, on hyvä aika palata kesäisiin tunnelmiin kesätyöntekijämme Anniinan kirjoittaman blogin muodossa. Tältä näyttivät työtehtävät Trelicillä 18-vuotiaan lukiolaisen silmin!

”Terveiset Trelicin kesätyöntekijältä!

Tosiaan olen Anniina. Olen lukio-opiskelija ja tänä kesänä myös Trelicin kesätyöntekijä. Tätä Blogia kirjoittaessani on kuukauden mittaisen työjaksoni viimeinen, tosin vajaa, viikko. Työjakson aikana olen ehtinyt tehdä paljon erilaisia mielenkiintoisia asioita ja päässyt kokeilemaan jopa etänä työskentelyä kahden päivän ajan.

Pelkistyksessä käytettävien kuparikuponkien valmistelua (taiteilija: Roosa, TET-harjoittelu 2020).

Kun otin kesätyön vastaan, en oikeastaan tarkalleen tiennyt mitä kaikkea tulisin tulevan kuukauden aikana tekemään. Näin työjakson loppupuolella vastaus on: Paljon erilaisia asioita. Loppujen lopuksi kuukausi on aika pitkä aika johon mahtuu paljon uuden opettelua ja rutiinihommia. Päällimmäisenä työtehtävistäni mieleen nousee pelkistys. Ymmärrykseni mukaan pelkistyminen on kemiallinen reaktio, joka laboratoriossa toteutetaan tyylikkäällä ja erittäin monimutkaisen näköisellä laitteistolla. Todellisuudessa pelkistyksessä tehtäviäni olivat näytteen valmistelu, typpipullon avaaminen ja napin painaminen.

Pelkistyksen lisäksi minulla on ollut muitakin mielenkiintoisia ja vähemmän mielenkiintoisia työtehtäviä. Esimerkiksi näytteiden valu epoksilla oli kivaa siihen asti kunnes näytteet piti niiden päällä pomppimalla irroittaa astioista. Henkilökohtaisesti pidin myös näytteiden hiomisesta, joka kuluneen kuukauden aikana on ehtinyt tulla erityisen tutuksi. Tietenkin olen tehnyt paljon myös sellaisia pakollisia asioita, joihin vakituisilla työntekijöillä ei vain ole ollut aikaa kuten kaappien järjestely ja niiden sisältöjen läpikäynti ja yleinen siivoaminen. Nämäkään tehtävät eivät ole olleet varsinaisesti epämieluisia, koska tiedän, että jonkun ne on kuitenkin tehtävä.

Ilmeisesti rento ilmapiiri on aika yleistä teknisellä alalla ja Trelicissä se ainakin toteutui. Sillä vaikka olenkin täysin kokematon työntekijä, sain tehdä paljon myös yksin, ilman, että joku oli koko ajan vahtimassa. Myöskään avun pyytämisessä ei ollut suurta kynnystä ja joku vakituinen työntekijä oli aina tarvittaessa paikalla.

Yleisesti ajatellen työjakson loppuminen ei mitenkään valtavasti sureta, mutta Trelic oli hyvä paikka olla ensimmäistä kertaa pidempi pätkä töissä kerralla. Oli kivaa, että töitä oli keksitty riittävästi, koska välillä kuulee tarinoita kesätöistä, joissa kesätyöntekijät vain istuvat tekemättä mitään. Eikä minua varsinaisesti olisi harmittanut jatkaa vielä töitä, mutta on hyvä, että saan vähän lomailtua ennen kuin syksyllä taas jatkan koulua. Toivotan siis itselleni ja jokaiselle lukijalle hyvää kesää ja lämpimiä lomapäiviä.”

Polymers- general properties

Polymers- general properties

Material selection plays a crucial role in product development. Lately we have shared infographics about metals and ceramics. This week we deal with polymers. Polymers are often used to replace other materials for cost and weight saving purposes. They are very versatile materials, but we are also quite often working with polymers because they cause lots of reliability issues.

Metals – general properties

Metals – general properties

Material selection plays a crucial role in product development. Materials have huge effect in reliability of the product, but they also determine things like cost and weight. Additionally, certain functionalities such as electrical conductivity can only be achieved with certain material groups.

Materials are often divided into a few main categories according to their properties which include metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. Everyone somehow involved with R&D should know the basic properties of material groups, and therefore we decided to make a few simple infographics about them. Here is the first one about metals.

Comparison between mixed flowing gas and flowers of sulphur corrosion testing

Comparison between mixed flowing gas and flowers of sulphur corrosion testing

Corrosion is a major cause for failures in electronics and its importance is increasing. Therefore, corrosion testing is also getting more and more attention these days. Choosing the most suitable test method is, however, complicated because corrosion processes are very complex and difficult to replicate. Additionally, the knowledge how to link corrosive environment to testing environment with similar corrosion effect is not yet available. This is a major topic we, at Trelic, are currently solving.

Various corrosion test methods are available. In the last weeks we have been extensively working with mixed flowing gas (MFG) and flowers of Sulphur (FoS) tests. In all of our corrosion tests, corrosion has been monitored with corrosion coupons for which gravimetric analysis as well as coulometric reduction have been performed. Additionally, a wide range of different test structures has been tested.

Our CEO, Laura was recently presenting some of the results in Celcorr 2021 seminar. She was especially talking about MFG and FoS tests. The image below is a link to the slides!

Slides available also here.